Monday, January 18, 2016


Photo by @Yahudah Solutions Photography
To know me is to trust me. When that phrase came to my mind as I questioned how I could trust God, I scoured my Bible for the scriptural reference only to find that it was not there. I then entered the text into a Google search.  Low and behold it was not the Holy Scriptures from whence commeth such truth, but rather an essay from an Industrial Marketing Management textbook. Interesting. Had I really just credited John Hawes with coining a statement so profound and yet so poetic that it is as one breathed by God? Maybe I am being a little dramatic. But, yet again, truth parallels. We typically go through the process of getting to know people before we truly trust them. And if trusting God plays such a pivotal role in our lives and the Christian faith, then maybe we better take the time to get to know Him. Does that ring true to you? Keep reading and I’ll share how.

Monday, January 11, 2016


Photo by @yahudah_solutions_photography

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust God. Trust also in me”. This was Jesus’ petition to His disciples on his final night with them – the night that He was betrayed. “Trust in God. Trust also in me”. Today we rattle off the phrase, “trust God” as a commonplace cliché. We have made it into a blanketed statement and the go to advice for a myriad of problems. No matter the trial, you can always answer, “Trust God” and hit the resolution nail on the head - just trust God and make it all go away. But the reminder to trust God should be more than a mere selection from the Rolodex of Christianize. It is a powerful statement and foundational principal in the Christian faith. But as the universal answerer to every problem, those very powerful words can fall on the listener’s ears with very little meaning.

Friday, January 1, 2016


I find intriguing the relationship between light and dark where darkness is the absence of light. Upon the introduction of light, darkness vanishes. Another way to look at it is darkness exists on its own. Darkness is. I can conclude then that darkness is a natural state of being. Why? Because, darkness does not require anything else in order to exist (only to reappear). One could even say that darkness lurks waiting for light to extinguish so that it can again prevail.