I wish I could say I had the same faith during my financial trail as the woman in a story that my sister once told me. The woman stepped out on faith in pursuit of her dream career. Like other testimonies I have heard, the result of her faith was not immediate reward. She instead fell on trying times. She was out of work for almost two years, but she kept believing and trusting God and now she is fulfilling her destiny, doing well financially and her trial brought her closer to the Lord.
I went through a financial trial
where I was out of work for nearly one year. I expected God to use my many gifts and talents to make room
for me (Proverbs 18:16). But that didn’t happen. (You are welcome to read the full story here). I have been trough a number of trials in my lifetime. And,
although I face each with the same God, my response to each challenge and the
way that I handle it is not the same, unfortunately. In this trial I was
frustrated and felt betrayed. I was like the Psalmist in Psalm 73, “When my heart was grieved and
my spirit embittered, I was senseless and ignorant; I
was a brute beast before you.” (Verses 21 & 22)